Mood swings
- by John O'Dea
Men can more callously steel their hearts against mood swings than can women.
The stable presence of non-erratic levels of testosterone in men, who are essentially more domineering, controlling, aggressive & emotionally pro-active, allows them to override emotional cues arriving in real time from the environment more easily than can women, who are consequently considered more sensitive. In contrast erratic testosterone levels with frequent surges may promote greater degrees of belligerence, destructivity & even mania. In contrast, hypersensitive, excessively-vulnerable outliers among women generally run at a lower than normal testosterone level, even by normal female standards.
Those with politically tinged thinking often take offense at the idea that women are different than men & consider such ideas judgmental. They are too biased in their approach to realize that women not only differ from men but are far more heterogeneous than them. That's why the bell shaped curve of femaleness is wider than that for men, with some outliers being vary feminine in contrast to outliers at the other end of the curve, who may be somewhat androgynous, while both of them remain within the bounds of normality. In fact I wonder if we don't over-diagnose some women with polycystic ovarian features as having a disease when in fact they are just outliers. Where should we draw the line between outliers and those with diseases? If a woman experiences premenstrual syndrome or polycystic syndrome, the border between abnormality & normality may become quite hazy.